All information provided here is complete and accurate to our knowledge.  Teams and players should confirm all details. 


Teams wishing to avail of a bus for transportation can contact:
Parsons & Sons
(709) 689-4901

Costs will be dependent on distance and duration, but a budget of $350.00 should account for most typical round trips including waiting at the game.


Company Name  Telephone Number
Avalon Taxi 709-722-6070
Bugden's Taxi 709-722-4400
Casino Taxi
*accessible available upon request
City Wide Taxi 709-722-0003
Independent Taxi NL 709-330-0000
Jiffy Cabs 709-722-2222
Newfound Cabs
*accessible taxis are available
15 passenger buses available for hire
North West Taxi 709-364-1451
Valley Cabs 709-368-6001

Car Rental

There are many car rental companies available in the Paradise/Metro area, including kiosks at the St. John's International Airport.  

Turo Car Sharing

Turo is a carsharing company that allows private car owners to rent out their vehicles.